- Object
- Explanation
- Permissions maybe needed (not list all)
- URL to get this Object
- Connections of this Object (URL to get other objects by their connection)
[Main Objects]
- Application
- An application registered on Facebook Platform
- /APPLICATION_ID/accounts, albums, banned, feed, insights, links, payments, picture, posts, reviews, staticresources, statuses, subscriptions, tagged, translations, scores, achievements
- Page
- A Facebook Page
- /PAGE_ID/feed, picture, settings, tagged, links, photos, groups, albums, statuses, videos, notes, events, checkins, admins, blocked, tabs
- User
- A user profile.
- (the current user)
- /USER_ID/accounts, achievements, activities, albums, apprequests, books, checkins, events, family, feed, friendlists, friendrequests, friends, games, groups, home, inbox, interests, likes, links, movies, music, mutualfriends, notes, notifications, outbox, payments, permissions, photos, picture, pokes, posts, scores, statuses, tagged, television, updates, videos
- Album
- A photo album
- user_photos: 你的相片; friends_photos: 和你分享的相片
- /User, Application, Page/albums
- /ALBUMS_ID/photos, likes, comments, picture
- Photo
- An individual photo within an album; 所有照片(包含被tag的...)
- ADD: publish_stream: 替你張貼內容到 Facebook
- /User, Page, Application, ALBUMS_ID/photos
- /PHOTO_ID/comments, likes, picture, tags
- Checkin
- A checkin made through Facebook Places or the Graph API.
- user_checkins: 你的打卡動態; 和你分享的打卡動態
- /User, Page/checkins
- /CHECKIN_ID/comments, likes
- Test Result
- Can't get checkin info that tagged by friend?
- Comment
- A Comment on a Graph API object
- /COMEMENT_ID/likes
- Event
- A Facebook event
- user_events: 你的活動; rsvp_event: Manage your events; friends_events: 和你分享的活動
- /User, Application, Page/events
- /EVENT_ID/feed, noreply, invited, attending, maybe, declined, picture
- feed can CREATE/DELETE links, posts, statuses
- Test Result
- 僅取得 User 發起的、不確定的與確定參加的?
- FriendList
- A Facebook friend list; 取得朋友群組清單
- read_friendlists: Access my custom friend lists
- /User/friendlists
- /FRIENDLIST_ID/members
- manage_friendlists : Manage your custom friend lists
- Group
- A Facebook group
- user_groups
- /User, Page/groups
- /GROUP_ID/feed, members, picture, docs
- Message
- A message in a thread
- read_mailbox: Access messages in your inbox
- /User/inbox
- Note
- A Facebook Note
- user_notes, friends_notes
- /User/notes
- /NOTE_ID/comments, likes
- Question
- A question asked by a user, as represented in the Graph API.
- user_questions, friends_questions
- /Use/questions
- /QUESTION_ID/options
- QuestionOption
- An option allowed as an answer to a question.
- /Question/options
- Review
- A review for an application
- /Application/reviews
- Subscription
- A subscription to an application to get real-time updates for an Graph object type.
- /Application/subscriptions
- Thread
- A message thread
- /User/threads
- Test Error
- (#298) You must be a developer of the application
- Video
- An individual video
- /Use, Application, Page/videos
- /VIDEO_ID/likes, comments, picture
- Wall-related
- Link
- A shared link
- read_stream: Access posts in your News Feed
- /User, Application, Page/links
- /LINK_ID/comments, likes
- Post
- An individual entry in a profile's feed
- /User, Application, Page, Group/posts
- /POST_ID/comments, likes
- Status message
- A status message on a user's wall (UPDATE)
- User 在 wall 發表的純文字敘述。
- /User/statuses
- /STATUS_ID/comments, likes
- Game-related
- Achievement(Instance)
- Instance for an achievement for a user.
- Domain
- A website domain within the Graph API
- Insights
- Statistics about applications, pages, or domain.
- /User, Application, Domain/insights
like and feed are not an Object
By the way
HTTP 302: 暫時轉移(Temporarily Moved)
物件已移動,並告知移動過去的網址。針對表單架構驗證,這通常表示為「物件已移動」。 要求的資源暫時存於不同的 URI 底下。由於重新導向可能偶而改變,用戶端應繼續使用要求 URI 來執行未來的要求。 除非以 Cache-Control 或 Expires 標頭欄位表示,此回應才能夠快取。
* Reference
- Graph API
- Graph API Explorer