- ListView 背景預設為透明色,所以會看到 window 預設的背景色,深灰色 (#FF191919)
- 為了滑動效能,the Android framework reuses the cache color hint.
- 若 scrolling cache is true,那麼當 color hint is set,the framework 複製 ListView 中的每個 child 為 bimap 並且設該 hint value.
- the framework copies each child of the list in a Bitmap filled with the hint value. ListView then blits these bitmaps directly on screen and because these bitmaps are known to be opaque, no blending is required. (?)
- This mechanism consists on taking an opaque screenshot of all visible child Views (in other words, it draws the content of each itemview in a Bitmap) and directly draws those screenshots when necessary.
- 因為預設的 cache color hint is #191919,所以在滑動時會看到 item 的黑色背景。
- The color used to make those screenshots opaque is the one given by the cache color hint.
- If your ListView turns opaque (black for instance) when scrolling that because you need to set the cache color hint to the actual color of your ListView background.
Cursor#getString() 每次呼叫都會建立 String objects,而且這些 objects 當 user scroll ListView 時就會被回收,所以為避免這樣的建立與回收物件,CharArrayBuffer 儲存 cursor 中的 data,然後直接從 CharArrayBuffer 中存取,reuse。
Using a color as part of your list selector may entirely fill your ListView.
This problem comes from the fact a ColorDrawable does not respect its bounds: it entirely fills the clip rect of the Canvas in which it is drawn into.
Use a Drawable that respect its bounds such as a GradientDrawable or a NinePatchDrawable.
* Reference
- AndroidDevBlog » ListView Tips & Tricks #2: Sectioning your ListView
- AndroidDevBlog » ListView Tips & Tricks #3: Create fancy ListViews
- Why is my list black? An Android optimization | Android Developers Blog